How once-daily Trulance can help with chronic idiopathic constipation (CIC):
Provide More RegularBowel Movements Improve your form
Trulance was tested in patients over a 12-week study period.
Before entering the study, patients had 2 bowel movements (any bowel movement) in a week.
Trulance helped patients have
5 bowel movements
a week on average*
Before entering the study, patients had around one complete bowel movement (bowel movement resulting in feeling completely empty) in 3 weeks.
Trulance helped adults have
3 complete bowel movements a week on average*

Trulance can help provide relief from your chronic constipation in as little as 24 hours*
For continued results, take Trulance every day†
In 12-week clinical trials, many patients taking Trulance maintained their constipation relief with continued use.
Trulance can help adults have “normal” (smooth, soft, sausage- or snake-shaped) bowel movements
Type 1
Separate hard lumps, like nuts. Hard to pass.Type 2
Sausage-shaped but lumpy.Type 3
Like a sausage but with cracks on surface.Type 4
Like a sausage or snake, smooth & soft.Type 5
Soft blobs with clear-cut edges.Type 6
Fluffy pieces with ragged edges, a mushy stool.Type 7
Watery, no solid pieces. Entirely liquid.Adapted from Lewis SJ, Heaton KW. Stool form scale as a useful guide to intestinal transit time. Scand J Gastroenterol. 1997;32:920-924.
Identify your treatment goals with the Bristol Stool Form Scale
The Bristol Stool Form Scale is a visual representation of the 7 different types of bowel movements that you can have.
- Type 4 is considered a well-formed bowel movement—described as smooth, soft, sausage- or snake-shaped, and free of lumps or excess liquid
- Type 1 or 2 is often considered constipation, while Type 6 or 7 is often considered diarrhea
While it might seem awkward to talk about, telling your doctor which type or types of stool you typically have can help you both create a treatment plan that works for you and your body.